

Looking for talents?

We help employers to recruit Romanian IT specialists by sourcing the right candidates at the right time. Our consultants shape the quality in a well-balanced performance-schedule-cost triangle: an accurate matching of requirements with the candidates’ skills and experience, tight deadlines and a competitive flat-fee approach. Build your dream team with us.

Learn more about recruiting with SINERTEQ

Seeking the perfect job?

Take benefit of job opportunities that may enhance your career and maximize your personal satisfaction. We are dedicated to assist the Romanian IT experts in getting top jobs from top employers. Our team is committed to deliver a high level of services confidentially and in a timely manner. Let us help in developing your career.

Learn more about our placement services

Need know-how?

A combination of intensified globalization and the growing volume of information is driving business to look for new ways to meet increased demands for efficiency, competitiveness, short-term agility and long-term growth. With our valuable experience and flexible pricing, we can help you to turn IT into a catalyst for high performance.

Learn more about our consultancy services

Be our agent

Promote our recruitment services to employers looking for IT talents in Romania. You will earn attractive commissions up to 15% from each payment made by them. You don’t need recruitment or IT knowledge, we do all the work. You can rely on an honest business partner, because we know it takes a true partnership to get results.

Learn more about our agent program

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